Katie Jenison | Website Copywriter & Blog Content Writer

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How to Identify the Right Copywriter for Your Business

If you’ve been struggling to produce consistent content for your business, you may have decided to hire a copywriter. Hiring a copywriter is an excellent decision. However, there are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Working with a copywriter is a results-oriented partnership.

Think about it. You need someone who can produce content that convinces your audience to take some form of action. So, before you hire a copywriter, you need to determine what kind of results you want.

Is your goal to:

  • Drive more traffic to your website?

  • Convince people to buy a product or service?

  • Convert the reader to an email list subscriber?

  • Simplify complex copy?

The results you hope to generate are an essential component of hiring a copywriter because they need to be skilled in achieving those results. This actually leads us to the next, point.

2. There are many different categories of copywriters.

Aside from specializing in certain industries and niches, these copywriters are experts in one or more types of copywriting. From SEO to email marketing, each has a unique skill set.

As you take steps to hire a copywriter for your business, you’ll come across several different kinds of copywriters. Some of the more popular types of copywriters include:

  • SEO copywriters

  • Creative copywriters

  • Technical copywriters

  • Ad copywriters

  • Conversion copywriters

Now that you know some of the different types of copywriters, it’s important to understand how they’re different. This will help you determine which type of copywriter is the right fit for your business goals.

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SEO Copywriters

SEO copywriters specialize in search engine optimization. Not familiar with SEO? SEO-oriented copy uses keywords that will catch the attention of search engines like Google. SEO copywriters are strategic thinkers that know which terms will be the most effective. In addition, they are skilled in keyword research and able to identify strong keywords and keyword phrases.

Creative Copywriters

Creative copywriters generally work exclusively within advertising agencies to create content. The goal of a creative copywriter is to drive more business and create engagement. Some of the content these copywriters work on include:

  • Landing pages

  • Email copy

  • Website copy

  • Press releases

  • Job descriptions

  • Research-based copy

  • Print projects

  • Taglines and jingles

So, if you’re looking for an enticing ad writer your best ally will be a creative copywriter.

Technical Copywriters

Copywriters in this field of develop copy that tends to be dense and complex. Technical writers are very popular among the medical, industrial, scientific, and criminal justice fields. These writers usually write medical papers, financial and legal papers, and any other text that requires a bit of translation. Technical copywriters have a skill set that allows them to write complex copy in a way that is simple and easy to understand.

Ad Copywriters

One of the fastest ways to grow a business is through advertisements and ad copywriters know how to make it happen. So, hiring a copywriter experienced in ad copy is key. They use both traditional and contemporary marketing tactics to increase traffic. These tactics tend to be simple and straightforward. Some of the most effective tactics are below.

  • Appealing to the audience’s emotions

  • Creating catchy phrases or taglines

  • Using insightful statistics to make a point

Conversion Copywriters

Conversion copywriting is all about precision and you guessed it, conversion! As with most forms of copywriting, the end goal is to inspire people to act. Typically, conversion copywriting do this by focusing on a single action. In addition, they pinpoint specific words, phrases, and selling points to connect with the reader and create urgency. As a result, the reader is converted to a follower, subscriber, or customer.

Now that you know more about the different types of copywriters, you’ll be able to determine which one is right for your business.